Dr Dodds Liver Shunt Diet

Receiving abnormal blood test results can be very unsettling for dog owners. Be thorough in your research and seek out experts, and remember: the internet can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Gather as much information as you can and discuss withreliablesources. Dr. Jean Dodds, an expert in thyroid disease, immunology and nutrition, formulated a liver cleansing diet for dogs that has helped save and prolong many dogs' lives. If your vet has handed you a diagnosis of liver disease, try this diet before you panic. Dogs with numbers though the roof and on the brink of complete liver failure, have bounced back from switching to this diet alone.

You can feed this home made formulation for for up to three months before you have to worry about balancing it out with out with additional ingredients and supplements. Before rebalancing, have your dog's blood rechecked.


1.5 cups white potatoes 1.5 cups sweet potatoes 1.5 cups of zucchini 1.5 cups string beansor celery *2 cups cod fillet (or pollock)

*Cod is ideal but some dogs will not eat it. In this case, you can use chicken breast (skinless)


Peel the potatoes, chop and simmer until thoroughly cooked. Drain and mash. While the potatoes are cooking, wash and chop the zucchini and string beans or celery and cook until very tender. Poach the cod in a pan with some water. Mix all ingredients together until it is well blended.

If your dog is a picky eater it might help to cook the fish first, then use the water to steam veggies or cook potatoes.

Feed three (or four) equal meals per day; breakfast, dinner and before bed. It is especially important for dogs with impaired liver function to eat before bed.

I recommend preparing the recipe in double sized batches, and freezing what you won't use within a couple of days.

How much to feed depends on the dog, but this a low fat diet and you will need to use considerably more of this food than you would kibble. The measurements above will feed a 10-pound dog for 2 – 3 days. If your dog is bigger, then double or triple this recipe. Once cooked, it will keep for 3 days in the fridge so freeze any excess.

The only downside to feeding this diet is the smell. If you don't cook fish often, it may bother you. But it's only temporary, and your dog's health is more important, right?

Please keep in mind that artificial air fresheners and fabric sprays are toxic, so please don't try to cover up cooking odors with them. Here are some safe alternatives.

It is worth noting that beneficial supplements for the liver include Milk Thistle Powder and SamE (see dosages below). You may include them with this diet, but I recommend first letting your dog get used to the food, and then adding supplements later. Continue them long term even after your dog's numbers improve.

Milk Thistle (powder or capsules) dosage: 70 – 200 mg per 5 kg of body weight SAMe  Dosage: 100 mg per 5 kg of body weight – empty stomach

Dr Dodds Liver Shunt Diet

Source: http://www.ohmydog.ca/omd-blog/canineliverdisease

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