What to Say to Turn a Guy on Over Text

Dirty text messages are a great way to get a guy's attention, as you probably know. In fact, I've got 7 dirty good text messages that you'll want to use on him right in this article...

texting woman 300x300 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

But your faithful author here isn't going to just hand you words and tell you to blindlysend them out to all the guys you know. That would actually be very irresponsible of me - or anyone, really.

Texting woman 2 300x300 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

I see a lot of sites that promise if you'll "send this sexy text tonight" you'll have him racing over to your house for a quickie... And I know that's not what you're focused on. Anyone can pull that off. Just promise the sex. What you want is for him to FALL for you. Not use you as his booty call. I'm not going to kid you that if you came here hoping for filthy, vulgar quotes to copy and paste, you're going to be disappointed.

Hey, even if I gave you some nasty texts like that, you'd still feel that way - because THOSE texts aren't what he really wants.

(If they worked, you wouldn't be googling "sexy texts to turn a man on," right?)

YOUR goal should be this: Flash him. Kind of like when you give him a little flash of cleavage, or leg, or butt, and he rewards you with a look of lewd desire.

When you give him that little flash, he'll be curious, but wanting more. Which is how you want it.

Before I get to those 7 dirty texts that will get him hot for you, you need to know what your real goal is...

So the first thing you want to do is:

Texting Step 1) Figure out what result you want...

Do you want him to just reply? Because you think he's about to ghost you?

Do you want to turn him on? Has he been a bit elusive and cold lately?

Do you want him to fall in love with you?

Texting woman 2 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

A word of caution...

Because if you just send him dirty texts or sexts without an idea of what result you want, you'll be shooting in the dark...

And it's unlikely you'll get what you're hoping for.

So take a few seconds to really think about what you imagine him doing when he reads your text. And then think about what it would take to motivate him with your words to do that.

Ask yourself the big question of WHY are you sending this text?

Knowing the answer to that will tell you way more than any text messages I can feed you here...

Texting Step 2) Don't let it get TOO dirty in your texts...

One of the big mistakes many women make when sending dirty text messages for him is that they get a little too raw.

Here's a secret: Guys don't like hearing anything remotely resembling porn scripts outside of a naughty movie, or when you two are in the bedroom.

good girl bad girl 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

The more you know, the better...

Remember: it's the contrast of dirty girl/good girl that drives us men wild.

And we want to re-corrupt you over and over again. That's part of the fun of our working for your heart...

So your texts should only HINT at what you MIGHT be thinking about...

Men have no problem taking things down a dirty road. So it's up to you to just show us a door of opportunity.

We'll do the rest.

So start off mysterious and only hinting at the dirty thoughts running through your brain.

Texting Step 3) Keep things natural...

Keep your texting as in-the-moment as you can. You want any dirty or regular text you send to feel like it sprang out of your day organically.

texting man 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

Keep him on his toes...

Guys have a very keen sense of when something is being thrown at us to manipulate us.

So don't send him a dirty text if you're not really feeling a bit randy. Men know that women don't think about sex quite as much as we do, so we'll find it an occasional delight if you do text us something ... inspirational.

But we'll also suspect something if you send sexy messages to us too often. Something won't seem quite right.

So you want a few dirty texts that will get him thinking about you?

Some dirty texts that will get him in the mood for love?

Here you go - starting off with:

Sexy text message for him #1: "Do you think side-boob is sexy?"

Sure, you can even ask him about under-boob, but anything that mentions boobs immediately makes a man space out and go into the breast-zone.

The word itself - booooobs - makes us relish the thought of wallowing in that warm squishiness...

Sorry, I just got lost there for a second.

So any text with a hint of boob in it is a good thing. Especially if you can make him think about yours.

Sexy text #2: "If I was with you, I would have my hands under the blanket right now..."

Yeah, send this one at bedtime and just count on one hand how long it takes for a response from him.

piping hot 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

Turn up the heat...

Again, you're not going to be filthy - you're only going to hint at what * might * happen if you were there.

The beauty of texting is that it's all a great big tease - and that always works to your favor. You're trying to stir up trouble, not start it just yet.

Sexy sorta dirty text for him #3: "I can feel waves of heat coming off my body right now..."

Use sensory images to get him going. Anytime he can imagine the sensation of what you're saying, that will double the impact of your texts.

That text isn't even all that sexual - I mean, you could have just finished working out for all he knows.

But he won't care.

He'll just want to know ONE thing: What is making you hot?

And where is all that heat?

Which leads us to the next sexy text message for him that will get him turned on:

Dirty text message to make him hotter than Alabama Asphalt #4: "I'd invite you over, but I don't know if I can keep my hands to myself..."

Again, you just want to leave him THINKING about what that means, not TELLING him. He's a big boy, he can figure it out, right?

Which brings me to how you ANSWER a man who questions your text back...

dont panic 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

Leave a little room for mystery...

You should never explain your texts to a man. I see women fall into this trap all the time.

For example, she sends him a text like this one, and then he sends back:

"What do you mean?"

And then she proceeds to freak out, thinking that he's seriously asking her what that text actually means.

He knows. And if he doesn't, let him stew on it until he does.

It's not your job to fill the space in between your IQ levels.

The best thing you can do to a man is leave him wondering about you - or something you said to him. Obviously, you don't want to be purposely confusing.

Just give him enough to chew on that he is thinking about you when you're not around.

(This is the key to getting a man falling in love with you, by the way - click HERE to check it out...)

Sexy text message for him #5: "I love it when you hold my arms over my head..."

dominate 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

Indulge in fantasy...

Now, this assumes he's done this in bed with you already, but it works great when he hasn't.

You see, men have domination fantasies, the same way you do. But in our over-sensitive snowflake culture, we men are a bit scared to put it out there.

So if you can make these moments of "light bondage" okay for us, we'll pay you back with lusty fantasies and serious sheet shredding action...

(Say that one 5 times fast... I dare you...)

Sexy text message for him #6: "What's happenin', hot stuff...?"

Sometimes the best thing to send is just a conversation starter that's fun and flirty. No huge sexual innuendo here.

Long Duk Dong 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

He gets it...

But when a girl calls a guy "hot stuff" she's going to make him happy.

And that always leads to sexy times when it comes to a guy's thinking.

This one is just nicely flirty in all the right ways.

This text is also a bit of a trivia for movie geeks, too. It's what Long-Duk Dong said to Mollie Ringwald in "Sixteen Candles."

See if he catches it...

Sexy text message for him #7: "You're the man..."

Never underestimate how horny you can make a man by simply affirming him as a strong masculine presence for you. Men almost never get this kind of simple recognition of his manliness.

If he is a man, the best thing you can do to get him acting like one is to tell him you see that sexy masculinity bubbling under the surface, just waiting to ravage you in the bedroom.

So what do you think? Could you use any of these texts with your boyfriend?

You've got 160 characters in a single text... Use them well.

You can text these to him, or say them, and you'll make him so obsessed with you that he'll beg you to drop the phone and share a sweaty hour between the sheets...

And if you liked this article on naughty texts to send him, go check out my latest presentation on how to talk to a man to make him fall for you.

On fire 7 Dirty Text Messages For Him   To Turn Him ON...

Do YOU have what it takes to light fire?

It just takes a single match to light that powder keg of desire within him. Click here now to find out how...

UPDATED 6/2021


How to Talk Dirty Text - Texting a Guy to Turn Him On

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What to Say to Turn a Guy on Over Text

Source: https://www.datingadviceguru.com/7-dirty-text-messages-turn/

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