What Does the Prophecy of Seven Say

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Percy Jackson Fan Club! discussion

Comments Showing 101-150 of 166 (166 new) post a comment »

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

Agiorgio | 291 comments Unexpected possibilities :

1Franks stick gets burn when Leo does has fire thing.
2 CHB and CJ become one huge camp.
3 The God keep switching form when fighting with the Heros, like Zeus changes to Jupiter then make to Zeus.
4 Hades or Pluto tell Death to go get hazel, to take her back to the underworld so she can fight Tartarus. I mean He is the father of the Giants.


MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

Althea *Go wolves and dragons!*(Coach Hedge) Inigo (eiyah_fantasyfreak) | 982 comments Guys, I think I know the actual title for book 4 and 5! I'm not guessing, it's the actual title! (view spoiler)[Book 4: The Battle of Time |Book three: The doors of death. (hide spoiler)]

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod
Random thought here...Oath to keep with a final breath. Jason promised to get Piper a new ski jacket :P

Here's a more serious idea of mine now. Oath to keep with a final breath. Hazel's father, Pluto, told her(In my opinion promised) a son of Neptune would break her curse

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

message 110: by regan (new)

regan | 1450 comments I like both ideas Izzy!

message 111: by regan (new)

regan | 1450 comments To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep with final breath

Ok, so I'm guessing that the world must fall line is Gaea falling to sleep. Lame idea. I know. Prophecies are never that simple. :/

For the second one, oath to keep with a final breath, maybe it's Annabeth oath in one of the books where Chiron tells her to keep Percy safe. Or maybe Percy's oath to fight with the Romans(Yes, another too simple lame one.) And lastly, maybe the oath wasn't even made yet. Like how in the last great prophecy, Percy wasn't 16 yet. Maybe the oath just hasn't come out.

message 112: by regan (new)

regan | 1450 comments Free-spirit wrote: ":) I actually didn't hate him until I saw the mark of Athena cover ,he was fighting Percy and I like Percy....... Before that he was normal to me"

Same sort of. Before, I was like, "Eh, you kinda bore me. Can we get to Leo now?" But when I saw the cover I was like, "GO PERCY!!!! KICK HIS ELECTRIC BOOTAY!!!" No offense to any Jason fans. :)

message 113: by regan (new)

regan | 1450 comments Yeah, I'm like: "Is Leo on the next page? No. -.- Is he onnn the next page?? No. -.- Iiisss he on the next page?! no. -.- gahhh! Jason, go away!!!! Gim me Leo!!!!"

Samuel | 922 comments Seven Half-Bloods will answer the call
To storm or fire the world must fall
An oath to keep till final breath
And foe bears arm to doors of death...

Seven Half-Bloods will answer the call

Uhhhhh we all know who those are....

To storm or fire the world must fall

Keep in mind that this is not the only world of the universe, outside the realm is the Underworld and Olympus, now it says the world must fall, so a world will fall. Now fire or storm, we have already clarified, but Jason is not the only child of Zeus/Jupiter, what about Thalia, but Leo is the only demigod with control over fire, the only others are ethereal (ex. Hestia, Prometheus)

An oath to keep till final breath

Frank might have to die if you know what I mean, Hazel promised to protect the stick, she might keep the oath till his final breath.

And foe bears arms to doors of death

The foe of these books is Gaia, sept I donmt really know what "bears arms" really means.

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod
Wait, is it 'foe bears arms' or 'foes bear arms'? Because if it's the second, then it could very well be the Greeks and Romans..

Samuel | 922 comments Foe singular

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

enigma? | 504 comments yup

Sophie I thought it was Foes plural

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

Sophie I'm pretty sure it is

Taisha Valenzuela | 5 comments I think the "storm or fire the world must fall" part has to do with a child of Zeus/Jupiter and a child of either Hephaestus/Vulcan probably not then deciding the fate but having something to do with it. And we all obviously know who the seven are so I think it's referring to Jason and Leo. But that's just me

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

message 124: by [deleted user] (last edited Sep 25, 2013 09:38PM) (new)

It's foes, btw.

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.

Well, this is quite obvious...

To storm or fire the world must fall

Maybe someone will have to hold up the sky? Remember, Atlas held up the world in the old stories.

An oath to keep with a final breath

I don't like this line at all. It has been thought that maybe it means wedding vows, but I think this is highly unlikely. Rick stated on Twitter that not all of the Seven will survive ((NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)), so I think that this line refers to that.

And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death

Well, this could either mean Greeks vs Romans, Greeks and Romans vs Gaea or something else entirely.

So yeah. :)

message 125: by Neha (last edited Sep 26, 2013 07:54PM) (new)

Neha (neha71580) Proof of that fans around the world are going crazy with the Prophecy of Seven----


MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod

Samuel | 922 comments I think the line to storm or fire the world must fall is actually saying that Leo and Jason will both have the fate of the world in their hands, one for good and one for evil

So here's what I'm thinking, Gaia will tempt Leo with Calypso blah balh blah and Jason would have to fight him, and that'd really be a good plot twister if one of them dies....he could either break the hearts of the majority by killing Leo or break the hearts of the minority by killing Jason

Meghan (nutMeghan) | 83 comments okay, about the 'oath to keep with a final breath'... Leo swore on the River Styx that he would go back to Ogygia, so I really hope it wasn't that oath - if Leo dies, though, I'm going to kill Rick.

roshay (sadderdaze) Eh. He'll probably get barbed fences and a few gazillion guards around his house as soon as he publishes the book and kills of a character.

Meghan (nutMeghan) | 83 comments ha yeah he will need some protection from all of those crazy fans!

message 131: by Grace (last edited Jan 14, 2014 06:32PM) (new)

Grace If we hear read someone say the whole cross my heart hope to die thing...we know that's the oath

message 132: by Grace (new)

Grace ~Shrishti~ Nothing is ever forgotten~ Not completely~ wrote: "Eh. He'll probably get barbed fences and a few gazillion guards around his house as soon as he publishes the book and kills of a character."

LOL... but still if i was him... that might be a good idea...

message 133: by Neha (new)

Neha (neha71580) Spoiler of HoH here

Alright, after reading HoH, i have kind of this theory, more like a hypothesis. Ok, so the Doors of Death are closed, except that the Prophecy isn't COMPLETE yet. So I had been thinking for months that how could the Last Line of the prophecy get fulfilled without the whole prophecy getting fulfilled?
So according to this theory-if the fourth line of the prophecy isn't done yet- I think the Doors of Death is a kind of a symbol that there will be Lots of deaths. Foes bear arms to the Doors of Death could either mean that there will be Lots & Lots of death on both sides of the war (and both sides are bearing the loss) , or the Greeks and Romans (aka foes ) together create havoc on the giants attacking them like the Doors of Death themselves.

Meghan (nutMeghan) | 83 comments Neha (Athena) (Queen Elinor) wrote: "Spoiler of HoH here

Alright, after reading HoH, i have kind of this theory..."

Hey that makes sense! Good idea.

message 135: by Neha (new)

Neha (neha71580) I got this idea from Percy's POV in Son of Neptune during New Rome battlefield. He said something like 'The legionnaires were attacking the monsters like Doors of Death themselves..'
What if this is the real interpretation of the last line, for Blood of Olympus battle??

Meghan (nutMeghan) | 83 comments Neha (Athena) (Queen Elinor) wrote: "I got this idea from Percy's POV in Son of Neptune..'

Guess its time to rethink the entire prophecy, guys! We can do this!

message 137: by [deleted user] (new)

the oath isn't gonna be Leo, it'll be Jason's promise to Nico, plot twist

Tana Lovegood of Dumbledore's Army✞~ Rogers/America  (givealittleloveandsaveanimals) | 97 comments How do you know? is that just a guess?

message 139: by Ben (new)

Ben (HadesPluto) | 121 comments Before I read HoH I always thought that the foes(Demigods or Giants) retreat to the Doors of Death to make their final stand.

Heather | 59 comments An oath to keep with a final breath, as foes bear arms to the doors of death.
I think this means the oath that Leo made to Calypso that he would go back for her *fangirl squeal* because that's the only oath that hasn't been kept. But then again, when has Rick made anything THAT obvious? And the second line I think was when *spoilers HoH* Bob and the other Titan (can't remember his name) are holding the doors open and since they are Titans, they are supposed to be foes.

Heather | 59 comments Savannah wrote:
" Annabeth was trying hard not to cry. Chiron brushed a tear from her check. "Stay with Percy, child." He told her. "Keep him safe. The Prophecy- remember it!"
"I-I will."
"Um.." I said. "Would this be the dangerous Prophecy that had me in it, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about?"
Nobody answered.
"Right." I muttered. " Just checking."
" Chiron.." Annabeth said. " You told me that the gods made you immortal only so long as you were needed to train heroes. If they dismiss you from camp-"
"Swear you will so your best to keep Percy from danger."
"I-I swear it upon the River Styx." Annabeth said.

-Sea of Monsters pg. 53-54



C Oordt | 425 comments The line oath to keep with a final breath is bob so none of the 7 th will die

Meghan (nutMeghan) | 83 comments Heather wrote: "Savannah wrote:
" Annabeth was trying hard not to cry. Chiron brushed a tear from her check. "Stay with Percy, child." He told her. "Keep him safe. The Prophecy- remember it!"
"I-I will."
"Um.." ..."


message 144: by Ishi (new)

Ishi Bhanot What if we are all wrong??!!
Okay I'm hyperventilating right now!!
What if by the storm or fire instead of meaning Leo or Jason it means an action taken by Jupiter or Vulcan will effect the fate!
Remember how in TLO hades army's entrance changed everything!
Hades 1 decesion was all it took!
What if its the entities not their kids??!!!

C Oordt | 425 comments If RR messes with percabeth or Leo and calypso ( I don't know there ship name ) I am organising a fan raid on his house and terrorise him till he changes it

C Oordt | 425 comments Fire could be franks life stick it is a desspret

C Oordt | 425 comments Hope i want Leo safe

MOVED - CHECK BIO (izzylightfleur) | 15305 comments Mod
C wrote: "If RR messes with percabeth or Leo and calypso ( I don't know there ship name ) I am organising a fan raid on his house and terrorise him till he changes it"

Caleo ;)

C Oordt | 425 comments Thanks

Allison I posted this on another group but it applies here also:

I have had really in depth discussions about the Prophecy.

The first line is obvious and I don't need to go over it.

To storm or fire the world must fall. Now, we actually have several options here. Leo and Jason, Leo and Percy, Frank and Jason, or Frank and Percy. Frank could possibly be fire because of his lifeline, and Percy can basically create tsunamis, okay? ((who hopes he does this in BoO? I do))

An oath to keep with a final breath. Now, we can do that Leo-Calypso thing, but...Jason promised Nico, guys. He probably didn't say the word "promise" but if you say you will do something, that's an oath. So, also, in the first series, Nico said that he would bring his sister back...who knows? Percy and Annabeth promised each other to never leave, right? Or am I mistaken? And Hazel promised Frank to keep the lifeline safe, even though Frank took it back, right? This line is really tricky.

And foes bear arms to the doors of death. This could be what happened in HoH, or since Gaea and the demigods are foes...do the doors open again and the demigods need to convince Gaea to become good? What about the titans and the gods? Aren't they foes? The doors could easily open again; it happened once it can happen again.

That's my shorter explanation of the Prophecy. Hope it gives everyone a new perspective:)

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What Does the Prophecy of Seven Say

Source: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/979197-the-prophecy-of-seven-can-we-figure-it-out-most-likely-not-i-mean-it?page=3

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